Ground Control to Major Townsend

Ahh Jeez,  I always forget about my website. I am all over Twitter and Facebook, but I seem to abandon my site… I will do better.

Soooo I have a new band, and they are amazing. Jordan Oakie and Alan Hoskins from the legendary Halifax punk rock band Myles Deck and the Fuzz. I have been a fan of MDATF for years, played numerous shows with them and I am more than thrilled to have them be a part of this wild ride. We have some new tunes, and Alan also plays a mean piano!! Rock organ all over the place.

I had an excellent time at Nova Scotia Music Week! We made some new friends from Germany and I am very excited to let you know that we are in the early planning stages of taking our rock and roll monster overseas again. I also played with the Jubilee Orchestra that weekend and it was oodles of fun. Singing swing tunes has become a true love of mine and there is now a sweet project in the works!

I wanted to extend a massive thank you to Symphony Nova Scotia, David Christensen, Jonathan Govias, and every single musician who was a part of the symphony show at the Rebecca Cohn. Also, much love to the audience and a major congratulations to Ben Caplan and Carleton Stone for a job well done. Never in a million years could I have ever dreamed up a more incredible opportunity. I am honoured to have been invited to perform with such talented people!

I promise I will keep you up to date here! Stay tuned for more news :D

Love and Rock



Let There Be…LOVE.

The guitars are back.  Your support, love, and jokes has made the last few days bearable. All reward money is being returned. If you need your donation back ASAP, please email me. Sunday will be refund day :) I can’t write much as I am practicing my Elivs song for a wedding  I am attending in a few hours! My first same sex wedding ceremony….Love is a beautiful thing.

Let it be known that you should always listen to your gutt instinct. That little voice in your head that says “Don’t do that, it’s not a good idea” is telling the truth. DO NOT deal with strangers regarding any type of criminal activity. Call the police. Do not leave valuables in the trunk of  your locked, alarmed car. DO NOT take anything seriously posted on messageboards. You probably shouldn’t tweet, email, or send hateful, threatening messages to people who have  been robbed and who are dealing with police. I mean….come on guys….use your brain.

Anyway, Thank you to all the media who contacted me. I never imagined this type of response. EVER. To every musician who called and emailed offering their guitars…Thank You! To everyone who was on my side, you were an army of awesome. Extra thanks to Gordie Johnson  ( Big Sugar ) for  sharing his story and sending me a “Chin up” email. To Becky walker, Marc-Antoine Robertson, Lindsay-Bea Davis, TJ Webb, Live 105, Global, CBC, Chronicle Herald, Q104, Music Nova Scotia, EVERYONE…Oh man , I don’t want to forget anyone. I’ll write more later!! Time to get my Elvis on.

Love, Rock, Justice, and Kindness.



Ottawa Blues Fest-ing!

Looks like I’ll be pleading my Rock and Roll case to the judges of She’s The One Emerging Female Artist Contest at this year’s Ottawa Blues Fest! Out of hundreds of entries from across the country, I was selected as one of 3 semi-finalists in the band category  to perform a 20 minute set in hopes of taking home the grand prize of $5000!  I’ll be travelling to Ottawa to  perform in the afternoon on Saturday, July 7th. Shane O’Handley will be joining me as well as drummer saviour extraordinaire Jordan Oakie ( Something Good, Myles Deck and the Fuzz). It sure would be sweet to win….a tour van is desperately needed as our van from the Cross Canada Tour last year has bit the dust. I have come to learn that touring in a Corolla loses it’s charm quite quickly :) Regardless of the outcome, I am stoked to play the festival and share my music….Oh yeah,  Alice Cooper and Iron Maiden will be playing the festival that night. *excited face*  Well, there you go right there! Fun will be had.

Send me some sweet vibes! More info to come!…I love you.

Love and Rock



Hello Beautiful People,

Time for another massive  ”Thank You!”  The ECMAs seem like a dream that was over much too fast. Thank you to everyone who voted. I was not prepared  to accept the Rising Star award. I forgot to thank my family, friends and fans….I still love you like crazy. The entire weekend felt like one big shiny award. I love being surrounded by so many talented people. I crashed a few hotel parties, made tons of new friends and laughed more than I sang. Jackpot alert!

I have a few fun things to tell you about. I will be performing live in studio at Live 105 this Friday at 5pm. Halifamous Jordan Oakie and Alan Hoskins will be saving the day as my emergency fill in band. On  April 28, I’ll be performing at The Seahorse Tavern for the Rockabilly Riot Johnny Cash Tribute. The following weekend we will land in beautiful St. Andrews, NB for Paddlefest and then May 11 I play an acoustic set at The Rockbottom in Halifax. I am also beyond stoked that I will be travelling to New York City and Nashville this summer to do some co-writing for the new record. *EXCITED FACE*

Once again, thank you so much to everyone who has been such a great support and encouraging light in my life. Sometimes it is easy for me to get discouraged. Every time that happens, I am immediately reminded how lucky I am to have my friends, family, fans and fellow musical warriors by my side.

Have a look at this fun video I made with one of my favourite bands, The Motorleague. They recently raised $3000 for Cystic Fibrosis Canada and they are still raising money! These guys are just the best dudes ever. I was delighted to be a part of one of their awesome Heritage Moment Videos.

Love and Rock



We Are All Happening…..

I am so excited for Sunday. One more sleep and I will be joining a bunch of my friends to perform as one of three back up singers for  the release of  Jon Epworth’s Soul Mange EP. Yes, he released two records this weekend and they are both amazing. I have been a fan of Jon’s talents for years and have had the privilege to share the stage with him many times….but I have never been IN the band. It’s kinda like a dream gig for me. We have had an excellent time learning and practicing these outstanding songs. You are in for a real treat. Here is the link to stream EP ( be careful, its HOT)

I also want to thank everyone who voted in The Best of Music poll for The Coast. I was told I had won something, but I was not aware until the issue came out. To wake up to the sweet messages and thumbs up for taking home Best Solo Female and a Bronze in the Best Songwriter category…was a beautiful thing. I love living in Halifax. This city is filled with artists, painters, photographers, dancers, poets, directors, writers, actors, producers…the list goes on. The community of creativity is alive and well here and I am  a better human because of it. Thank you doesn’t seem to cut it….and I am tearing up now but unfortunately there is no font for “ugly cry”  :)  I love you. Thank you for you. Please come out to The Seahorse on Sunday to see the legendary Jon Epworth. It’s going to blow your mind.

Love and Rock



She shoots…She Scores!

Hey! I just wanted to send out an enormous thank you to everyone involved with the Hockey Day celebrations in PEI this weekend. It was truly an honour for me to be asked to perform, write a hockey related song and experience such a lovely weekend with some of the greatest talent this world has to offer.  I met a lot of people this weekend and was so thrilled to be sharing the stage with Dave Bidini, Stephen Stanley ( thanks for the guitar!), Paul Linklater, Doug Friesen, Don Kerr, Chris Murphy, Lennie Gallant, Liam Corcoran, Kinley Dowling and of course the magnificent Sarah Harmer. I remember seeing Sarah years ago at The Birdland Cabaret in Halifax with her band Weeping Tile. I became and instant fan and I am pretty sure I can recite every word from her albums :) It is not very often that I am moved to tears by a performance, but she gets me everytime! What a golden voice and a lovely lady.

Thanks so much to Dave Bidini for asking me to be a part of this event, the CBC, Scotiabank and everyone involved that made it happen.  Bidini Band did an excellent job and really brought it home with their after party performance at Baba’s Lounge. Thanks to everyone who celebrated until the wee hours of the morning. There was also a gentleman serving up some oysters and I am now officially hooked. PEI, you know how to throw a party! I’ll be seeing you again very soon on February 23rd at my beloved Hunter’s Ale House.

Much love to everyone I met this past weekend. Hopefully our paths will cross again sometime soon.

P.S. My song “The Old Rink Light” will be posted for you all to hear and share :) It’s just a demo for now, but I received some great feedback so a proper studio recording will definitely be in the works.

Love and Rock,



ECMAs And The Good Ol’ Game!

Hey everyone!

I have two awesome announcements to make!  Firstly, the ECMA nominations have been released and I am very grateful to have been nominated for two ECMAs this year for Rock Recording and Rising Star. Congrats to all the nominees! I am looking forward to spending ECMA weekend in one of my favourite cities in Canada…Moncton, NB :)

Many moons ago, I was very fortunate to have met Dave Bidini (Rheostatics/Bidini Band/ Writer/Director/National Treasure) and  was lucky enough to sing with The Rheostatics during their Fall National Shows in Toronto  on several occasions.  I can still remember how TERRIFIED I was to sing lead with one the greatest bands in the Universe. I have been a Rheostatics fan for a long time and those performances are still a highlight of my musical adventures. Once again,  I am really excited to have been asked by  Dave Bidini to be a part of  ”Stolen From A Hockey Card” an amazing show that is happening in PEI next month. We will be celebrating National Hockey Day, Feb 9th @8pm at  The Confederation Centre.  It was my duty to write a song related to the good ol’ game. I can’t wait for you to hear it! It is quite different from my usual style. My poor roommates have had to listen to it a million times…but they dig it!  Oh and Sarah harmer, Chris Murphy, will also be performing!  *eeeek*

We are also hitting the road for a rockin’ mini tour at the end of February! See you soon in Moncton, PEI, Halifax and St. John :D

Love and Rock



That Just Happened!

Hello,   I’ve been laying very low these last few months, so forgive me for not keeping you up to date here :)

I survived another Christmas. It is the hardest time of year for me. I know there are a lot of people out there who feel the same way. I found a lovely quote that really sums it all up….

“Isn’t it funny that at Christmas something in you gets so
lonely for – I don’t know what exactly; but it’s something
that you don’t mind so much not having at other times.”
~Kate L. Bosher~

I had a very quiet New Years Eve as well.  I can’t believe the things I have seen, the places I have been and the people I have met over the last year. I spent a solo night at home strolling through those memories….thank goodness for  my iphone camera :)  It was the first time I was able to be on the outside and take a look into the experiences and realize that it really was my life. I know I’ve said it a million times, but I honestly can’t believe how lucky I am. So once again, much love to everyone and thank you so much for  enabling me to live the dream.

I can only hope that 2012 is as amazing as the people who have supported me through the good and the really bad. I am not sure what is next. I know I want to keep on keeping on, but I feel a change is upon me. Maybe a move to another vibrant city? maybe a retreat? maybe….a little change up musically? Who knows. I have a lot of unfinished songs to complete ( I did not get an attention span for Christmas :/)  and I  miss the road terribly. I miss you too.

Until we meet again, smile, dream big, laugh louder, dance more, enjoy your aliveness and love yourself. I hope to see you soon.

Love and Rock




Psssst…Hey, what’s up?

I am living in a garage :) very close to the edge of the water. It was well overdue for me to chill out and be quiet. After a very hectic year I have had very little time to actually breathe in all of the awesomeness of the last 12 months. My brains are delightfully scattered all over the place from so many crazy adventures. I even quit coffee and tea for a week! Yikes. It was somethin’ else.  So, I am in the middle of nowhere with lots of songs to bring to life.

I have extended thanks on facebook and twitter to everyone who voted for Jason Levangie and me for the 1ox10 Video Program as part of the Atlantic Film Fest. Mo Kenney and Greg Jackson took the grand prize for their excellent video “Eden”. It was a wicked experience and as usual, Halifax proves once again it is loaded with talent and beautiful people. I’d like to extend a mountain of thank yous to all who voted for the Music Nova Scotia Award for Entertainer of the Year. I feel the love. I am pretty excited to head to Yarmouth again. We are a lucky bunch.

The Halifax Pop Explosion is upon us! The crew responsible for this extravaganza of music and art have really outdone themselves this year. I can’t believe F@*ked Up are playing. So looking forward to another sweaty love fest of rock :)

Catch up with us in PEI on October 14th!! We will be heading to Hunters Ale House to play with one of my favourite bands The Town Heroes!

Until then, I’ll be reeling over the finale of Breaking Bad this weekend ( :0) and enjoying the sights and sounds of mother nature. Oh, and releasing some new tunes from my weary but hopeful heart.

Love and Rock



Where In The World Is Carmen’s Website update :)

Yikes. I forgot about you again. Hello everyone, I am still on the go and this summer has been quite a thrill.

I’m not really sure where to start! We had a little bump in “The Road” again. We landed in Calgary all set to play downtown for The Stampede….and it was called off due to rain :( It was a long trip to make but thankfully we were invited back next year!  We cheered ourselves up at the amazing Heritage Records store and had a great time on a patio with some old and new friends :) Many thanks to Sarah MacDonald for being the best host EVER.

We have played some excellent shows this summer, but I must say Evolve has once again taken the cake. Thanks so much to everyone who came out and rocked the field with us. I was pretty overwhelmed by the love and all around awesomeness from everyone we met that weekend.  We did indeed cover “Sabotage” by the Beastie Boys and now we want to play it all the time :D So happy that so many of you felt same about that tune….it rocks and it is so fun to play!

There are oodles of plans to be made. I am taking off for a month to live in a tiny little cottage on the water. I have a mountain of songs to complete and I need a little time to chill out…..I started touring November 27 and I haven’t really stopped since!  I am excited to hide away with my songs and the ocean for a month to see what happens. We will be playing the Halifax Pop Explosion as well as Nova Scotia Music Week. Our sights are set on a plan to hit up California and New York City. I think they need us down there eh? :) I am prepared to work both 9 to 5′s to make it happen.  In February we are going to Europe! and I am pretty stoked to be performing at this years Film and Music Buyers Showcase for the Atlantic Film Festival!

Many thanks to everyone involved with Stan Fest, Evolve, The New Glasgow Jubilee, Natal Day, MFest, Fundy Fog Festival, Fred Rock and The Hullabaloo. I am truly blessed to have been a part of all of these awesome shows. You all sure know how to treat a Lady!

Love and Rock


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